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avdl - Introduction

This page will explain the basic concepts before someone can start developing games using the avdl programming language.

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The avdl language is divined into separate entities called "worlds". Each world represents a 3D environment that contains it's own data, and is responsible for drawing itself on the screen.

In typical usage, a programmer is meant to create several of those worlds, and pass them to avdl at desired times, so they become visible on the screen.

As an example, a world can represent the main menu of a game, and another world can represent the game itself. When a button is pressed on the main menu, it fires off a signal to avdl to show the world containing the game.

Each world has several functions, which avdl fires depending on certain criteria:

On top of those, there are some similar functions that handle input:

The entry point

In avdl, the first function that is run is called dd_mainInit. That's the best place to set one-time configuration, like the window title.

At a minimum, the default world needs to be declared. This will be the world that appears on the screen when the game is run. It looks like this:

(dd_world_set_default nameOfMyDefaultWorld)

What's next?

This is all the important theory of how avdl works. Using this knowledge, the next step is to dive into the action, and learn how to make a "Hello, World!" program:

avdl - Hello, World!

Otherwise, move back to the main page:


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